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Check Costs versus ACH
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The Cyburse service provides virtual conversion services for clients that want to convert from paying their suppliers by traditional paper checks to using electronic disbursements.  Over 90% of companies today that utilize automated accounting software have the capability to originate ACH dollar and remittance data disbursements.  What companies don't  have are the resources, time, epayment industry experience and budget to implement this capability for their large supplier bases.

  • Cyburse is an "enabling" solution that provides the critical data for a company to electronically transmit ACH dollars and remittance data to all of their targeted suppliers.
  • A campaigning process is utilized for implementing mass numbers of targeted suppliers in gathering the required ACH data.
  • We do not interfere with a company's daily core business as we collect this critical data for an "automated" download into the client's accounting software.
  • Authorized documentation is provided from payment recipients that confirms the integrity of the critical data.
  • This service offering is extended to the client until all targeted suppliers are satisfactorily campaigned for conversion based on the partnering agreement in place. 
  • No 3rd party software or additional internet based solutions are required.  Cyburse utilizes a client's existing capabilities to achieve epayment conversions.
  • At no time does Cyburse interact with a client's accounting software or internal processes.  All ACH data is presented in an electronic format to be downloaded at the client's discretion for optimum security.
